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【2007.12.05 FAI 來函原文內容】
收件人:Chaur Jin-Sheng
日期: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 17:47:29 -0800
主旨: CIVL Jury and Steward volunteer
Dear all,
At every major FAI (category 1) championship, in all disciplines, there are a small number of CIVL volunteers who are there to help to ensure the safe, smooth and fair running of the competition. There is one steward, who has attended the pre-comp as well, and a jury, made up of a jury president and 2 jury members.
With the increase in FAI Category 1 championships in new disciplines and more continents in recent years, CIVL is currently looking for more people to be these volunteers. Although there is no payment for this work, all expenses are covered and of course you get to see Worlds class pilots competing at the highest level.
If you are interested in joining this group of volunteers, please let us know by completing the application form in the Jury & Steward handbook and returning it to me: paula@fai.org. Check out the web page http://www.fai.org/hang_gliding/documents/jury_steward_handbook
You should also get the support of your CIVL delegate (you can see who that is at http://www.fai.org/directory/delegates.asp?id=16 ) and be familiar with Section 7 of the sporting code which you can download at http://www.fai.org/hang_gliding/documents/sc7
We will be publishing more information very soon about Jury & Steward training opportunities. Training seminars are being planned to coincide with some Category 1 championships, and practice events (such as Pre-Worlds) over the coming two years. A training session will also be held prior to the CIVL Plenary in Mexico in February 2008. However, depending on your experience, it is not always essential to have had training before being accepted for a position as Jury member or assistant (trainee) Steward.
If you have any questions, after reading the handbook, please feel free to contact me.
Best wishes
【原文翻譯成中文如下】 若有翻譯錯誤之處,懇請來函指正。 → chaur202@ms73.hinet.net
近年來 FAI 第一類的冠軍賽的規則越來越多,以及在越來越多國家舉行,CIVL現在在尋找更多人當志工。雖然這是一分沒有薪水的工作,但所有費用都由公家支出,而且你還能看到世界級的飛行員在最高水準的比賽。
如果有興趣參加志工,請填寫完 評審團&管理員手冊 裡的表格然後寄 E-mail給我,參照下述網址 jury_steward_handbook
你也應該取得 CIVL 委員的支持(你可從以下網址得知委員是誰 directory/delegates ) 然後熟悉運動規則的第七節,你可以從這下載 hang_gliding/documents/sc7。
我們會緊快公布 評審委員&管理員 訓練的消息,訓練課程在下兩年裡會設計成配合一些第一類比賽的行程以及一些練習賽(譬如 PRE WORLD),其中一堂的訓練會在 2008 墨西哥的 CIVL 全體會議之前舉行,但是根據你的經驗,不一定需要受訓才能被接收評審委員會或助理管理員的職位。

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